Who am I?

A husband, father, computer graphics enthusiast and creator.

A nerd (well, engineer), not quite an artist (more of a CG craftsman), who is driven by passion and a vision. There have always been two constants in my life: software development and computer graphics.

The road to where I am today was not always straight. So, I gathered a lot of useful - and some useless - experience. It ranges from entrepreneurship that brings its own baggage (legal, finance, etc.) that can distract you from your vision, to building an awesome team of developers that set out to bring real-time rendering to DCC (digital content creation) applications.

My passion has always been to empower creative workflows and to shorten the time it takes to create computer graphics. I want to put people at the center of my attention and solve daily problems so that users can focus on their ideas rather than the process. In this regard I am always interested in improving user experiences, creating faster applications, and explore new frontiers to unleash people’s creativity.

Now, that’s a mouthful ;-)

Looking for something that’s more CV worthy?

Im my last responsibility as CTO I focused on bridging technological opportunities with customer needs and investor interests. While my main concerns were providing a clear vision for our research and development team I enjoyed working with customers, partners and investors to create mutual value.

My past experiences as managing director also allows me to cross disciplines and provide guidance and support for marketing, sales, legal and finance. Combining that with my everlasting passion for computer graphics and software development helps me to shape products that empower creative workflows.

Created by Martin Weber  |  CC-BY-NC-SA This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.  |  Credits